

[Welcome] New faculty member

Prof. Seung Ryul Baek has joined the School of ECE (CSE Track) as of Apr.01, 2020.

I am truly happy to join UNIST as the faculty member of the school of Electrical and Computer Engineering. My research interest generally lies in the field of computer vision and deep learning, especially on the application of 3D pose estimation and action recognition of humans. Recently, I was focusing on data generalization issues for this challenging 2D-to-3D tasks, and hope to extend the coverage of my research to more general applications. I received BS, MS degrees from KAIST, EE Dept. in 2009 and 2011, respectively and received PhD degree from EEE Dept. of Imperial College London in March 2020. Before that, I worked in DMC research center of Samsung Electronics for four years (2011.2.-2015.2.).