About Us


Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) is the field of study that blends principles, theories, and applications of computer technologies that improve access to information.

It encompasses computer programming, theoretical computer science, operating systems, databases, computer architecture, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and human computer interaction just to name a few. Computer science and engineering is not just about how to write computer programs or how to use them, but it tries to tackle the fundamental question – how and what computation can be efficiently automated and implemented. Our department consists of three research subtracks as follows:

Systems subtrack

Today’s information systems are highly-advanced and connected through wired/wireless communications with each other. The fundamental challenges in this area include how to build computer systems, and how to design scalable, predictable, reliable, trustable, and yet cost-effective systems, in both hardware and software. Advances in this area are critical to meet the exploding demands of tomorrow’s applications arising in sciences and engineering. Research in this area includes computer architecture, embedded systems, parallel and distributed computing, real-time systems, operating systems, mobile computing, Internet computing, ubiquitous computing, and computer security

Theory and principles of software subtrack

In this area, we tackle various fundamental questions of Computer Science in principled ways. How can we reason about programs to prove their correctness and, equally importantly, their incorrectness? How can we construct and analyze information-theoretically secure protocols for communications? Which problems can be solved efficiently by computer programs? Answering these questions boils down to understanding the “mind” of computers. This tack includes a broad range of areas, including algorithms, cryptography, and software engineering.

Artificial intelligence and data science subtrack

Can machines think? Many pioneers in computer science have investigated this question at some point during their lifetimes. Long before the dawn of computing, people have been fascinated by the possibility of building machines that can think like humans. Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Data Science are the fields of study dedicated to the creation of machines with intelligence. Research topics in this area include the architecture of intelligent agents, game-playing programs, knowledge representation, and automated reasoning, planning and acting in the real world, machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and human-computer interaction.