

AI & Robotics Engineer for Drone – KakaoBrain


The KakaoBrain, Seoul office, is looking for exceptional engineers/scientists to work on exciting drone
projects. We have multiple openings on machine perception where the primary tasks are to tackle the
challenging, perception problems for autonomous drone flight.


A successful candidate should have
1) Good understanding on one of the related fields for drone / mobile-robot perception / machine learning,
2) Demonstrable record of software development experiences, and
3) Good communication skills.

Any advanced understanding or knowledge and/or hand-on experience on computer vision and machine
learning would be seriously considered. For the experience on software development, it’d be perfect if a
candidate can share with us any of his prior codes, for example, through the Github. As we believe, it’s
important for an engineer to effectively and efficiently communicate in verbal and written form about
his/her designs/products/modules as well as producing codes, a desired candidates should have strong
skills in presenting and documenting his/her ideas and/or products.


About Us :

KakaoBrain was established in March, 2017 to develop technology, service and business through future
core technology development related to AI and Robotics. KakaoBrain is a subsidiary of Kakao Corp., a
Korean mobile company that has developed a free mobile instant messaging application (called
“KakaoTalk”), used by 93 % of smartphone owners in South Korea, available in 15 languages and used in
over 230 countries. Kakao Corp. has also provided users a large range of services including games and
retail commerce.

KakaoBrain is located in Pan-Gyo Techno Valley in South Korea, which is called Korean Silicon Valley.
The team of DeepDrone (Deep Learning + Drone) at KakaoBrain would like to contribute to the
development of technologies such as agriculture, and construction through data acquisition via
autonomous aerial flight as well as a selfie drone.


Current Job Openings :
– Perception/computer vision scientists/engineers
– Aerial flight control engineer
– Artificial intelligence scientists


Perception/Computer Vision Engineers

Job Description :
– Provide software design and programming support to research projects
– Design, develop, implement, evaluate, integrate of object detection, obstacle avoidance, sensor fusion, state estimation, etc on aerial platform
– Use various measurements from different sensing modalities, including mono- or stereocamera image, lidar, radar, IMU, etc on aerial platform
– Develop inertial-visual pose estimation for a drone

Basic Qualifications:
– Masters or Doctorate Degree in EE, CS, Robotics or related area with minimum 1 year of experience of software development
– Bachelor Degree in EE, CS, Robotics or related area with minimum 3 years of experience of software development
– Passionate about drone and autonomous drone flight
– Strong interest in solving hard and challenging drone perception problems
– Demonstrable proficiency in Python, C++
– Good working knowledge in prototyping using any programming languages
– Solid understanding of computer vision in object detection, tracking, SLAM, structure from motion
– Architect and implement software libraries and algorithms

Preferred Qualifications :
– Experience with integrating, testing and deploying any robotic systems
– Experience with hardware devices interfacing, embedded system
– Experience with GPGPU, CUDA, CUDNN, OpenCL or SIMD
– Experience developing device drivers for on-board-sensors
– Experience with Agile software development is a plus
– Experience with contributing to open source projects is a plus
– Familiar with typical programming development toolchain: OpenCV, Git, ROS
– Broad understanding of machine learning algorithms
– Good working knowledge of Tensorflow or similar frameworks
– Strong oral and written skills in English or Korean


Aerial Flight Control Engineers

Job Description :
– Design, simulate, and test new control algorithms for a drone
– Understand given flight mission and design and test path-planning algorithms with on-board sensors and mcu
– Utilizes state-of-the-art SLAM and stochastic control algorithms to fly a drone
– Perform detailed analysis of control system performance under a variety of operating conditions, turbulence models, and aerodynamic models.

Basic Qualifications :
– Masters or Doctorate Degree in EE, CS, Robotics or related area with minimum 1 year of experience of software development
– Bachelor Degree in EE, CS, Robotics or related area with minimum 3 years of experience of software development
– Passionate about drone and autonomous drone flight
– Strong interest in solving hard and challenging drone perception problems
– Demonstrable proficiency in Python, C++
– Good working knowledge in prototyping using any programming languages

Preferred Qualifications :
– Experience with integrating, testing and deploying any robotic systems
– Experience with hardware devices interfacing, embedded system
– Experience in Python and C/C++; experience translating control algorithms into code
– Experience with a variety of control techniques, e.g. classical SISO methods, adaptive control, optimal control, Kalman filtering, and discrete-time signal processing
– Experience with Agile software development is a plus
– Experience with contributing to open source projects is a plus
– Strong oral and written skills in English or Korean


Artificial Intelligence Scientists

Job Description :
– Design, implement and evaluate deep learning models
– Publish and deliver research findings and developments
– Represent deep learning research goals in computer vision such as object detection, depth-estimation, etc or robotics including SLAM, SfM, aerial flight control, etc
– Design, simulate, and test autonomous aerial flight using artificial intelligence

Basic Qualifications :
– Masters or Doctorate Degree in EE, CS, Machine Learning, Robotics or related area
– Demonstrable proficiency in Python or any programming language
– Good working knowledge of Tensorflow or similar frameworks
– Relevant experience in deep learning
– Relevant Publications or Open Source
– Familiar with standard artificial intelligence and machine learning techniques, scientific thinking, and the ability to invent

Preferred Qualifications :
– Publications in the top academic conferences such as NIPS, CVPR, AAAI, ICML, ICLR, ICRA, etc
– Award winner in data science challenges of ILSVRC, WMT, Kaggle, etc
– Ability to independently define and solve visual machine learning problems, e.g. CNN-SLAM
– Experience with Agile software development is a plus
– Strong oral and written skills in English or Korean


Please apply by sending a resume or any question with your preferred job position to our recruiting email,
at with a description of your relevant background and experience.