

ECE Colloquium: Joo-Yun Jung(KIMM) “Nanopatterning Methods and Applications”

One of the main obstacles to the wide utilization of LSPR based biosensors and plasmonic based devices is the fabrication of large-area metallic nanostructures at low-cost. Electron-beam lithography (EB) and focused-ion beam lithography (FIB) have been used to fabricate well-defined periodic arrays of metallic nanostructures over small areas. Several methods to fabricate large-area metallic nanostructures have been reported, including nanosphere lithography (NSL), hole-mask colloidal lithography, laser interference lithography (LIL), and nanoimprinting lithography (NIL).
In this talk, I will present several metallic nanopatterning methods including NIL, nanotransfer printing, and template-stripping and applications, such as plasmonic biosensors and uncooled Infrared sensors using metasurface absorber.
Short Bio
Joo-Yun Jung received his PhD in 2010 from the department of electrical and computer engineering, University of Texas at Austin. He joined KIMM (Korea Institute of Machinery and Materials) in Daejeon, South Korea, in 2010. At present, he is a senior researcher in KIMM. His research interests include nanoimprint, metamaterials and nanostructures-based photonic, and plasmonic applications.