ECE Colloquium: Min Jang(Samsung LSI) “Brief introduction of Quantum cascade lasers and CMOS image sensors”
QCLs are currently the only semiconductor lasers that can operate continuous wave (CW) at and above room temperature in wavelength range of 2.7 um for near-infrared devices and up to 70um for terahertz devices. Our devices are based on monolithically integrated mid-IR QCLs and passive nonlinear structures which provide a giant nonlinear response for the pumping frequency. QCL based spectroscopy and its applications to chemical sensing have seen an unprecedented growth scientifically, technologically and commercially with many companies.
Non-memory semiconductors CIS (CMOS Image Sensor) is spreading not only on mobile and PC, but also on security surveillance and drone. In particular, the 5G network and the autonomous vehicle sector, which are evolving and developing in line with the 4th Industrial Revolution, are rapidly growing and the scope of CIS application is expanding. CIS refers to an image sensor based on complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) with excellent power efficiency. It converts light energy into electrical signals. For example, when a user takes a scene with a camera, he can help them understand it by changing the language of the device to electricity.
In this talk, I will briefly talk two topics that I focused on : Quantum cascade lasers – method based on intra-cavity frequency mixing to operate in mid-IR and Terahertz regions. CMOS image sensors – understanding of basic operating principle of mobile sensors and direction of technology development to be applied next generation.
Speaker biography
He majored in automatic control during my undergraduate and studied semiconductors as a minor. Since then, He has been designing semiconductor equipment at R&D center of semiconductor company for 7years. After that, he studied optoelectronic device called QCLs for his PhD degree at University of Texas at Austin. From 2013 to the present, He is working for developing innovative new structural devices of CIS’s next generation. His current position is a principal engineer as a leader of optic part in image sensor development division.