

ECE Colloquium: Yulee Kwon(UNIST Library) “Tips on How to be a Smart Researcher!”

In the seminar, we’ll share some useful tips on graduate students’ research activities provided by the UNIST library.

  1. 3 types of websites to search for articles: Google Scholar vs. Scopus vs. IEEE/ACM, etc.
  2. To write a paper: Manage reference and Avoid plagiarism
  3. Where to publish my research? Journals & Conferences
  4. How to prepare thesis or dissertation

Short Bio
Yulee Kwon has been a librarian of UNIST library since 2009. She has offered various library services to UNIST members such as managing electronic resources, library classes, document delivery service, etc. Now she is in charge of library classes for graduate students, research achievements management, collecting and disseminating theses and dissertations and operating institutional repository, etc.